A private API key is required. If you do not have an API key, get started here.
The text that needs to be analysed. The text needs to be URI encoded.
At this moment two languages are supported. This parameter is not required because of default value.
Language | Remarks |
english | default value |
dutch |
At this moment one domain is supported. This parameter is not required because of default value.
Domain type | Remarks |
general | default value |
There are three types of output parameters supported. This parameter is not required because of default value.
Output type | Remarks |
xml | default value |
json |
The following response variables are given back after API call.
Response variables | Possibilities | Remarks |
success | true false |
sentimentValue | value ranging from -1 to +1 | -1 most negative possibility 0 is neutral +1 most positive possibility value returns max 2 decimals |
sentimentLabel | extremely negativevery negativemildly negative neutral mildly positive very positive extremely positive |
conflictionValue | value ranging from 0 to 1 | |
conflictionLabel | extremely conflictingvery conflictingmildly conflicting no conflicion mildly conflicting very conflicting extremely conflicting |
errorMessage | if success == false, error information is generated. |
A summation of the parameter instructions above.
Type of parameter | Possible values | Default value | Remarks |
apikey | <APIKEY> | required parameter | |
textValue | <TEXTVALUE> | required parameter | |
languageValue | english, dutch | english | |
domainValue | general | general | |
outputType | xml, json | xml |<APIKEY>&textValue=<TEXTVALUE>&languageValue=<LANGUAGEVALUE>&domainValue=<DOMAINVALUE>&outputType=<OUTPUTTYPE>